LDA cleanup operation:clears encroachments on College Road

LAHORE   -   Lahore Development Authority (LDA), in two-day anti-encroachments operation, razed 500 shops and properties, besides arresting 12 individuals for obstructing government activities. Under the direct guidance of Lahore Commissioner and DG LDA, the teams orchestrated an ex­pansive and meticulously exe­cuted operation along College Road and managed to remove encroachments and cleared the road. The operation wit­nessed to the apprehension of approximately a dozen in­dividuals associated with en­croachments on government land. The area experienced a heightened police presence as part of the coordinated effort. Commercial vitality received a boost as private banks, com­mercial stores, grocery cen­ters, salons, and food points were finally relieved of en­croachments, paving the way for improved accessibility. Multiple warnings had been is­sued in the past regarding en­croachments around College Road, yet no substantial mea­sures were taken until now.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt