Calamity in Gwadar

The declaration of a calamity-hit status in Gwadar by the Balochistan government highlights the sheer severity of the situation caused by the relentless downpours ravaging the region. As torrential rains continue to pummel the area, leaving destruction in their wake, the ur­gency of the crisis cannot be overstated and requires immediate efforts to provide relief to citizens.

The recent downpours across Gwadar have plunged normal life into cha­os, with flash floods submerging vast swathes of land and displacing hun­dreds of families. The heart-wrenching accounts of residents like Hayatullah Baloch, who have lost their homes and livelihoods to the unforgiving floods, underscore the dire need for immediate relief efforts. In the face of this ca­lamity, the commendable efforts of various government agencies, including the military, in spearheading rescue and relief operations provide a glim­mer of hope amidst the chaos. Despite daunting challenges, these dedicated teams have worked tirelessly, braving the elements to evacuate stranded in­dividuals and provide essential aid to the affected population.

However, the downpours have not eased as of right now, and there is a high likelihood that the region is about to undergo yet another deluge. It is imperative that swift and decisive action is taken to mitigate this looming threat before it is too late. We must take the damage that has been done as a blueprint to carry out optimal preparations for what is to come ahead.

With forecasts predicting further rainfall in the coming days, the allocation of resources must be expedited to ensure the safety and well-being of those at risk. Strengthening infrastructure, implementing robust drainage systems, and fortifying disaster preparedness measures are essential steps that must be taken to safeguard vulnerable communities from future calamities. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has echoed the severity of this crisis, and has called upon the federal and provincial governments to priori­tise the needs of the affected population. Immediate measures must be tak­en to provide food, shelter, and clean water to those displaced by the floods.

is incumbent upon all stakeholders, from government bodies to civil so­ciety organisations and citizens alike, to rally together in solidarity with the people of Gwadar and the wider Balochistan region. Only through concerted efforts and careful planning can we weather this storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt