Trade deficit narrows by 30.18 percent to $14.87 billion in eight months

Commerce minister for maintaining focus on policies that boost competitiveness and streamline trade processes

ISLAMABAD  -  Pakistan’s trade deficit has shrunk by over 30.18 percent to $14.87 billion in the first eight months (July to Feb­ruary) of the current fiscal year as imports have declined more than exports.

According to the latest data of Pakistan Bureau of Statis­tics (PBS), the country’s trade deficit has narrowed by 30.18 percent during the July-Febru­ary period of the current fiscal year. The trade imbalance, gap between exports and imports, was recorded at $14.87 bil­lion as against $21.3 billion during the same period of last fiscal year. Pakistan’s exports have enhanced by 9 percent to $20.4 billion during July-February of the year 2023-24 as compared to $18.7 billion in the corresponding period of the last fiscal year. Meanwhile, imports declined by 11.87 per­cent to $35.2 billion during the first eight months of the cur­rent fiscal year as compared with $40 billion in the same period of the last fiscal year.

The data further showed that the country’s trade defi­cit narrowed by 13.49 percent on a month-on-month basis to $1.71 billion in February 2024 when compared to $1.98 billion in January 2024. The exports have recorded a 10 percent de­crease to $2.6 billion in Febru­ary 2024 when compared with $2.79 billion in January 2024. On the other hand, the imports have decreased by 10.19 per­cent to $4.3 billion in Febru­ary 2024 when compared with $4.8 billion in January 2024.

The trade deficit narrowed by 1.95 percent on a year-on-year basis to $1.71 billion in February 2024 compared to $1.75 billion in February 2023. Imports have enhanced 8.89 percent on a YoY basis and remained $4.3 billion in February 2024 compared to $3.9 billion in February 2023. Exports have enhanced by 17.54 percent on a YoY basis and remained $2.6 billion in February 2024 compared to $2.2 billion in February 2022.

Pakistan’s trade balance im­proved in February 2023-24, narrowing by 18.2% compared to the same month in the pre­vious fiscal year. This positive development is attributed to a significant increase in exports and a moderate rise in imports.

Meanwhile, according to the ministry of commerce, the gov­ernment of Pakistan remains committed to implementing policies that promote export-oriented industries, diversify export markets, and attract for­eign direct investment. These efforts are expected to further improve Pakistan’s trade bal­ance in the coming months.

When contacted about the positive development, Dr Gohar Ejaz, Minister for Commerce, said, “This is the third con­secutive month where exports are approaching 30% growth. These grew by 28% in Dec, 27% in Jan and now in Feb, they have grown by 30% year on year.”

“Our exports are now diversi­fying as show by 15% increase in manufacturing & engineer­ing exports and 70% increase in the agri & food exports.” Dr. Ejaz commented. He further said, “While this is a positive development, there is need for continued vigilance. We must maintain our focus on policies that boost competitiveness and streamline trade processes.”

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