Indonesia buys two submarines from France’s Naval Group

PARIS  -  Indonesia has ordered two Scorpene-class attack submarines from France’s Naval Group as part of a defence cooperation agreement signed with Paris in 2021, the company said Tuesday.

The announcement comes just over two weeks after the Dutch government picked Naval Group for a submarine deal, giving the company another boost three years after Australia abruptly can­celled a major contract. Amid growing tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, Indonesia has signed sev­eral deals with French defence companies in recent years. Under the 2021 agreement with France, In­donesia has also placed an order for 42 Rafale fight­er jets worth a total of $8.1 billion. The diesel-elec­tric Scorpenes, capable of carrying 18 torpedoes and missiles, will be built at the PT PAL shipyard in Indonesia, Naval Group said in a statement. Under the deal, Naval Group will transfer its technologi­cal know-how while “the management, operation and maintenance will be conducted in Indonesia” by Indonesians. The agreement will create thou­sands of long-term, highly skilled jobs, Naval Group added. “Naval Group is very honoured to be part of this new chapter in the strategic alliance between Indonesia and France,” said the French firm’s chief executive, Pierre Eric Pommellet. The vessels “will strengthen the country’s maritime sovereignty and support the Indonesian Navy in achieving regional superiority at sea,” he said. “In addition to the sub­marines, our strategic partnership with PT PAL will also support the Indonesian defence industry to actively prepare the future of naval warfare in the country,” Pommellet added.

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