Sindh governor chairs meeting on launch of IT programme in Hyderabad

After test, 50,000 students of Hyderabad will be given admission to IT course

KARACHI  -   Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tes­sori chaired a meeting regarding the launch of the IT programme in Hyderabad. The governor said that after the test, 50,000 students of Hy­derabad will be given admission to the information technology course. It is gratifying that more than 6,000 students have registered themselves in two days after the launch of the programme’s website, he noted.

Tessori said that under this pro­gramme, the youth will be self-suf­ficient and able to earn their liveli­hood. He said that this programme will be started in other districts of Sindh very soon. The series of tests will start within two months under the IT programme, he added.

The governor said that this pro­gramme will be a ray of hope for the disappointed youth and will prove to be very important for the economy of the country. Head of Saylani Wel­fare Trust Maulana Bashir Farooqui also participated in the meeting.


Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori visited the Holy Trinity Church, Fatima Jinnah Road and cut the cake alongwith the leaders of the Christian community on the occasion of Easter.

He said that the doors of Gover­nor’s House are open for the mi­nority communities, said a state­ment on Tuesday. He further said that we all are Pakistanis and we will solve the country’s problems as a nation.

He said that he values the followers of every religion and belief. The gov­ernor also distributed Eidi among the Christian community members.

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