Commissioner chairs meeting on cleanliness, encroachments, Ramazan package

LAHORE  -  Lahore Divisional Commissioner Muhammad Ali Randhawa presided over a meeting at his office here on Saturday to discuss matters concerning cleanliness, distribution of Ramazan packages, sewerage, and encroachments.

The commissioner, emphasizing the highest priority on cleanliness, issued immediate direc­tives to tackle persistent issues faced by Lahore division residents. All departments were directed to collaborate seamlessly for cleanliness, avoiding any division of responsibilities within the Railway, Cantonment, and MCL (Metropolitan Corporation Lahore) jurisdictions. A comprehensive city-wide cleanliness drive is set in motion, holding each de­partment accountable for their respective areas.

Concerning Ramazan package distribution, the commissioner revealed that the provided distribu­tion data is undergoing a meticulous verification process with a stringent 100 percent confirmation requirement. An experimental pilot for Ramazan package distribution is slated for March 4 in the La­hore Division. The cleanliness and enhancement of all pedestrian bridges throughout the division will be guaranteed. Commencing today, a collaborative effort from LWMC, WASA, MCL, LDA, and Canton­ment Board will execute the program.

In discussions about jurisdiction, the commis­sioner emphasized the need to avoid complica­tions and instructed against altering any trench or seizing belongings. Prompt removal of obstacles in traffic flow due to trenches was highlighted.

Displaying rate lists prominently in shops was declared mandatory. The meeting witnessed the participation of all DCs, additional commission­ers, ACs, and officers from Lahore departments, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated ef­fort for the betterment of Lahore.

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