Flood water devastates standing crops spread on hundreds of acres land in Muzaffargarh

MULTAN  -  Critical situation sur­faced through the flood is yet to persist with the devastating effects on riverine areas and adjacent places of the district, according to source from Irrigation Department.

Flood water has dev­astated standing crops spread on hundreds of acres land with inundat­ing dozens of residential houses in past few days.

River erosion is going on rapidly in the down­stream at Head Taunsa Barrage on Indus River located in Daera Din Pa­nah area of Kot Addu.

A huge crack was cre­ated at riverine Super 30-RD following rapid flow and speed of water.

Low-lying areas linked with Chenab River would likely to submerge after the rupture caused by the flood.

Irrigation Depart­ment’s teams started filling the rupture with stones by heavy machin­ery, it’s said.

Hundreds of acres land also reported to have submerged at Landi Pita­fi situated at tehsil Jitoi in tehsil Muzaffargarh.

Standing crops at Kun­drala in tehsil Alipur are destroyed in aftermath of the running flood.

Intensity of the flood is expected to decrease in upcoming days, added the official source.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt