Cultural connect

I would like to bring to the atten­tion of the Chairman of CDA the proposal to activate the Pak Chi­na Friendship Center in Islamabad permanently. The aim is to com­mence Chinese, Urdu, and English classes for interested students and the general public, encompass­ing both short-term and long-term language courses. It is suggested to allocate a portion of this expan­sive building for Chinese language classes, catering to candidates and students residing in the vicinity.

Such an initiative not only has the potential to generate revenue for the CDA but also serves as an intel­lectual forum. To enhance the over­all experience, a cafeteria could be established within the premises, providing a convenient eatery for students and visitors alike.

While it is acknowledged that the Pak China Friendship Center regularly hosts Business Exhibi­tions/Expos, Book Fairs, and var­ious Cultural activities throughout the year, the proposal emphasis­es the importance of permanently starting Chinese language classes. This would not only symbolise the enduring friendship between Chi­na and Pakistan but also contrib­ute to strengthening bilateral rela­tions from a futuristic perspective.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt