Afghan bombers found involved in 14 recent attacks in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD  -  The involvement of af­ghan citizens in the re­cent major terrorists’ attacks in Pakistan has been confirmed. In the last few months, Pa­kistan has witnessed surge in the terrorist incidents in Baloch­istan, KP and South Punjab where involve­ment of Afghans was 

confirmed by security forces. Terrorist networks like TTP in Pakistan are supported by afghan terrorists who are getting commending orders from TTP leadership hiding in Afghanistan. According to official statistics, 14 of the 24 suicide attacks in Pakistan in the last few months were af­ghan attackers and suicide bombers. Five banned Teh­reek-i-Taliban Afghan terror­ists were involved in the ter­rorist attack in Muslim Bagh on May 12, 2023. On July 12, 2023, 3 out of 5 Afghan ter­rorists were involved in the cowardly terrorist attack on Zhob Cantt whose bodies were identified and Kabul government was informed about them. 

Afghan Taliban leadership was informed through dip­lomatic channels about in­volvement of Afghans in ter­rorist acts in Pakistan. Last week over 700 TTP Afghan militants were arrested in Af­ghanistan. Investigation into 30th January 2023, Police Lines Peshawar deadly ter­ror attack and 29th Septem­ber 2023 Hangu KP suicide attack, proved involvement of Afghans from Afghani­stan. Security sources said now the time has come to deal with the terrorism ema­nating from Afghanistan with iron hands and decision has been made by civil military leadership to safeguard Paki­stan and its people. Pakistan Army and Law Enforcement Agencies have started imple­menting an effective count­er terrorism strategy against afghan terrorists operating in Pakistan. The internation­al community, sources said should help Pakistan in pre­vention of the subversive ac­tivities of Afghan terrorists against Pakistan.

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