PN inducts 5th ATR aircraft

ISLAMABAD  -  The induction ceremony of 5th ATR of Pakistan Navy was held at Naval Aviation Base PNS Mehran, Karachi, according to a press re­lease received here Tuesday. Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Naveed Ashraf was the chief guest. The newly-inducted ATR aircraft, ac­quired from PIA, is equipped with day and night flying capability to undertake ferry, logistics support, medical evacuation, general evac­uation and training missions. Pa­kistan Navy is in the process of ac­quiring ATR aircrafts from various sources and is modernising them to carryout maritime reconnais­sance and anti-submarine warfare missions at sea. 

The press release said that be­ing a commercial aircraft, it has very low operating cost as com­pared to tailor made military aircraft. This is the 5th aircraft which has been acquired for the purpose. Speaking on the occa­sion, Chief of the Naval Staff high­lighted the importance of evolv­ing geo-strategic environment in the Indian Ocean Region and emphasized the need to have a potent naval force in order to counter emerging challenges. He underlined the significance of strong maritime defence for Paki­stan and reiterated that induction of modern aircraft will enhance Pakistan Navy’s capability of safe­guarding our maritime frontiers.

Earlier during his welcome ad­dress, Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Muhammad Fais­al Abbasi highlighted that induc­tion of ATR will ensure sustained operations from western seaboard through regular logistics and per­sonnel movements. Later, Chief of the Naval Staff handed over ATR documents to Commander Paki­stan Fleet.

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