165 prisoners of Peshawar Central Jail pass SSC exams

PESHAWAR   -   In a new development, some 165 prisoners, including 12 death penalty prisoners and inmates serving life sentences, at Central Prison Pe­shawar have passed the Secondary School Certifi­cate (SSC) examination with marks ranging from 80 to 90 percent.

According to the report, a total of 234 inmates ap­peared in the 9th and 10th-grade examinations, out of which 165 passed the exam with a minimum of 80 percent marks and a maximum of 90 percent, while 69 failed the exams.

The inmates included 60 prisoners with serious of­fences, said the jail superintendent and DMCs would be issued to the inmates by next week. He said that according to the rules, one year of relaxation would be given in the sentence of successful prisoners.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt