54 Pak students selected to study in US

LAHORE   -  The United States Educa­tional Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) hosted 54 students for a two-day pre-departure orientation, who have re­ceived scholarships from the US government to study in the United States for one semes­ter under the Global Under­graduate Semester Exchange (UGRAD) Programme, Higher Education Commission (HEC) official sources in Lahore told on Sunday. Hailing from all regions of the country, the students will attend under­graduate classes at 51 US col­leges and universities, while participating in workshops to strengthen leadership skills, and engage in community service projects, they said. The recipients of the scholar­ships have been selected on merit, because the students with the potential not just to excel in higher education but to bring change and develop­ment to their communities. It is believed that their Ameri­can classmates will learn a lot from this group of talented students, added sources.

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