Rivers Indus, Sutlej continue to flow in low flood:FFC

ISLAMABAD   -   The Feder­al Flood Commission (FFC) has said currently Rivers Indus in Guddu –Sukkur reach and Sut­lej in Sulemanki – Islam reach are experiencing low flood. Ac­cording to daily FFC report on Sunday, rest of the major riv­ers of Indus River System (Jhe­lum, Chenab & Ravi) are dis­charging normal flows. Present Combined Live Storage of ma­jor reservoirs (Tarbela, Chash­ma & Mangla) is 12.367 MAF i.e. 92% of the total value of 13.443 MAF. Tarbela and Mangla Res­ervoirs have attained more than 90% of their respective max­imum live storages (Tarbe­la: 95.06%, Mangla: 92.00%). As per Flood Forecasting Divi­sion (FFD) Lahore, yesterday’s trough of Westerly Wave over Northern parts of Pakistan has moved away eastwards, where­as seasonal low continues to prevail over Northern Baloch­istan. For the next 24 hours FFD, Lahore, has predicted thunder­storm rain of Light to Moderate Intensity at isolated places over Islamabad, Punjab (Rawalpin­di, Gujranwala, Sargodha, La­hore & D.G.Khan Divisions) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pesha­war Division) including upper catchments of all the major riv­ers of IRS.

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