The meteorological department said that northern parts of Pakistan are likely to receive 60 to 70 percent more rainfall than normal in the month of November this year, the meteorological department said.
In its weather outlook report released for this month, the Met Office said two or three spells of light to moderate rainfall as well as snow over hilly areas were also expected in the northern half of the country.
However, southern parts of the country were likely to receive normal rainfall this month, it added.
"There is probability of 60% to 70% of above normal rainfall over northern parts of the country and nearly normal rainfall over southern parts of the country. There is also continuation of above normal temperature over central and southern parts of the country," it said.
It added that fog and smog were likely to prevail in the plain areas of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and upper Sindh, while drought prevailing conditions could continue and even intensify in other parts of Sindh and southwest of Balochistan.