NEPRA allows WAPDA 29pc tariff hike for hydle power supply

ISLAMABAD  -  The National Electric Power Regulatory Au­thority (NEPRA) has al­lowed Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) a hike of 29pc for bulk supply of pow­er from its hydel pow­er stations taking it to Rs4.96/unit.

In its determination in the matter of WAP­DA Hydroelectric Tar­iff Petition for FY 2022-23, NEPRA has worked out the total revenue requirement including levies at Rs 154.982 bil­lion for the fiscal year 2022-23.

The total approved revenue requirement for the FY 2021-22 was Rs 101.382 billion, while for the FY 2022-23, WAPDA had claimed revenue requirements of Rs 123.316 billion.

In its initial petition, for revenue require­ments of WAPDA hy­droelectric for FY 2022- 23, WAPDA had sought a hike of Rs0.47/unit for bulk supply of power from its hy­dle power stations taking it from exist­ing Rs3.68/unit to Rs4.15/unit, which was upward revised to Rs 3.85/unit due to various adjustments. NEPRA has calculated revenue requirement of Rs 154.982 billion which includes revenue requirements of Rs 109.247billion for the FY 2022-23 and hydle levies of Rs 45.735 billion. The hydle levies includes Rs 40.139 billion on account of regular net hydle profit, arrears of NHP and wa­ter use charges (WUC) to provinces for FY 2017-18, Rs 5.440 billion on account of WUC and Rs 156 million IRSA charges. The per unit impact of the enhance rev­enue requirements will be Rs 1.11/unit (29pc). In its order, NEPRA directed that the PPA should be consistent with the tariff determination of WAPDA hydro plants for FY 2020-21 and FY 2022-23, CPPA-G and WAPDA to sign PPA for all under-developing WAPDA power proj­ects wherein, a clear mechanism for LDs, RCOD, outages, technical specifications, testing protocols should be mentioned and submit to NEPRA for approval.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt