Those making hoax calls on Emergency 15 helpline to face legal action

LAHORE   -  Punjab Police have decided to take action against those making hoax calls on the Emergency 15 helpline. According to the spokesperson of Punjab Safe Cities Author­ity (PSCA), 200 top hoax callers are being warned about their illegal activity every month. Despite the warning, those making unnecessary calls on 15 will now face FIRs and trials. It is pertinent to mention here that the 15 emergency helpline is a free ser­vice of the government for the convenience of citizens in distress. Those who keep it busy by making unnecessary/hoax/fake calls will now have to face the law.

According to the details, 2,570,859 calls were received from all over Punjab on emer­gency 15 in May, out of which 222,816 calls were based on facts and immediate police assistance was provided. Among the calls received, 1,549,868 calls were irrelevant. In May, ten people, including children, were re­united with the help of PSCA Lost and Found Center. Meanwhile, 134 motorcycles and five vehicles were handed over to their own­ers. The spokesperson said that Emergency 15 is a free service for timely assistance to citizens in distress. Improper use of 15 de­lays relief to citizens in critical situations and is a punishable offence. He appealed to the citizens to avoid unnecessary calls to the 15 emergency helpline.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt