10 plots sealed over illegal constructions

FAISALABAD  -  The Faisalabad Development Au­thority (FDA) has sealed 10 plots in Madina Town on the charge of illegal construction and use for commercial purposes. A spokes­man said here on Saturday that the plot holders were bound to seek prior approval from the authority for construction of any type of building on their plots, but during checking the FDA teams found that owners of 10 plots in Madina Town violated the law and made construction along with their commercial use illegally. 

Among these plots included Plot No.97-X-ISR, 43-X-101, 37-Y-107, 35-Y-103, 24-Y-103, 17-Y-103, 1-Y-103, 2-Y-103 and 139-X-ISR. Therefore, the FDA team sealed these ten plots immediately while further ac­tion against their owners was under progress. Meanwhile, the FDA team also removed en­croachments from Susan Road Madina Town and warned the encroachers to avoid from vio­lating the law or be ready to face the music, he added.

Oil stolen from Parco pipeline

Huge quantity of oil was sto­len from Parco pipeline in the area of Millat Town police sta­tion. A police spokesman said here on Saturday that some persons had been stealing oil from Parco pipeline near Chak No. 201-RB by fixing a clamp in the main line.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt