Crackdown against smuggling, hoarding continues in Sindh

ISLAMABAD   -  As part of the ongoing cam­paign against smuggling and hoarding in the coun­try, a crackdown was con­ducted on Saturday against profiteers in different parts of Sindh. During the raids, 43,983 bags of fertilizers were confiscated in Naushe­ro Feroze. 

The fertilizer included both Urea and DAP. Simi­larly in Sukkur, the law en­forcement agencies seized 4,000 bags of Urea while they recovered 23,000 bags of wheat in Ghotki. While in another opera­tion, 550 bags of sugar were seized in Noushero Feroze. The countrywide operation against illegal activities and hoarding would continue in the com­ing days and weeks.

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