Sports Board Punjab Independence Day Punjab Junior Tennis begins

LAHORE   -   The Sports Board Punjab Independence Day Punjab Junior Tennis Championship 2024 commenced here at the Sports Board Punjab Tennis Academy Nishtar Park Lahore on Saturday. The purpose of holding the event is to mark the Independence Day of the country and celebrate it with great zeal and zest. Total 16 matches were played on the first day of the championship. All the top players advanced to the second round with comfortable victories and a high standard of tennis was witnessed during some of the matches. In the boys U-18 qualifying round, Ammar Rana beat Murtaza Hassan 6-1, Abdullah Sajjad wahla beat Abdullah Irfan 6-0. In the boys U-14 qualifying round, Muhammad Awais beat Syed Nadir Ali Sherazi 6-4, Hamza beat M Turab 6-1.  

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