Reviving PTV classics

Television was introduced in Pakistan in 1964, with PTV (Pakistan Television) becoming a cornerstone for entertainment, education, and information. The initial decades, particularly the golden eras of the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, are celebrated as the classi­cal period of Pakistan’s TV indus­try. However, in the modern era, it is observed that our drama indus­try has lost its charm.

Today, numerous private chan­nels offer a variety of dramas on-demand, but a recurring issue is the lack of diversity in scripts. Many dramas revolve around typi­cal family issues, portraying a neg­ative impact on the audience. In this ultra-modern era, we have the opportunity to bring forth unique projects and break away from the conventional narratives.

Rather than imitating Western or Indian cultures, we should cele­brate our rich heritage and values. In the past, our dramas were ea­gerly awaited across borders due to their authentic and relatable sto­ries. It is now a dire need to reintro­duce classical and motivational dra­mas in our industry, providing the audience with a refreshing change.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt