Careers unchartered

I am writing to express my con­cerns regarding the challenges faced by psychology students in Pakistan, particularly concern­ing unpaid internships, limited job opportunities, and low sal­aries. These issues demand our immediate attention as they not only affect the future of these students but also have a broader impact on the field of psychology in our country.

Firstly, the prevalence of unpaid internships in the field of psychol­ogy has become a significant ob­stacle for students seeking practi­cal experience. It is disheartening to see talented and dedicated stu­dents invest their time and effort in internships without any finan­cial compensation. This practice not only hampers their ability to sustain themselves but also per­petuates inequality in access to valuable learning experiences.

Furthermore, the limited job opportunities for psychology graduates have become a press­ing concern. Despite the grow­ing awareness of mental health issues in Pakistan, the job mar­ket remains highly competitive. Many graduates find themselves struggling to secure a position that aligns with their education and skills, leading to frustration and disillusionment.

To compound the problem, even when students manage to secure a job, the salaries offered are often disproportionately low. The finan­cial reward for the years of dedi­cation, hard work, and expenses incurred during education is in­adequate. This discourages many talented individuals from pursu­ing a career in psychology, which, in turn, hinders the development of the field in our country. In light of these challenges, I urge relevant authorities and stakeholders to consider the following measures: Advocate for fair compensation for psychology interns to ensure that all students have equal access to practical experience.

Encourage the establishment of more positions in the field of psychology by collaborating with healthcare institutions, educa­tional organisations, and govern­ment agencies.

Promote competitive salaries for psychology professionals, commensurate with their qualifi­cations and expertise.

By addressing these issues, we can create a more equitable and appealing environment for psy­chology students in Pakistan. This, in turn, will contribute to the growth and development of the field and, most importantly, improve the mental health servic­es available to our citizens.

It is our collective responsibil­ity to support the next genera­tion of psychologists and ensure that they have the opportunities and incentives they need to excel in their chosen profession. I hope this letter serves as a call to ac­tion and encourages a broader di­alogue on this pressing matter.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt