Hot, humid, partly cloudy weather in Lahore

LAHORE   -   Hot, humid and partly cloudy weather contin­ued to prevail in the Lahore city on Monday, while Meteorologi­cal Department predicted similar weather conditions for the next 24 hours. Weather officials said that continental air was prevailing over most parts of the country while a shallow westerly wave was pres­ent over upper parts of the country. They predicted that hot and humid weather was expected in most plain areas of the country. How­ever, rain-wind/ thundershower was expected at isolated places in Islamabad, Potohar region, north­east Punjab, Kashmir and adjoin­ing hilly areas. Rainfall was record­ed at some cities including Sialkot, Rawalpindi, Murree and Muzaf­farabad. Monday’s highest maxi­mum temperature was recorded at Nokkundi where mercury reached 45°C while in Lahore it was 36.2°C and minimum was 25.4°C.

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