HYDERABAD - The dead bodies of two friends were found on Thursday from a house in Manthar Colony in the limits of Pinyari police station. SSP Amjad Ahmed Shaikh told the media that initially it seemed as if one friend killed the other and then he himself committed suicide. However, he added, the police had started an investigation of the case and expressed hope that they would soon resolve the murder mystery. According to SHO Basheer Chandio, the body of 20 years old Abdul Wahab Qureshi was found lying on the floor of a room and that of 28 years old Faheem Qureshi was hanging in the veranda. Both the bodies were shifted to Liaquat University Hospital (LUH) for postmortem. He told that Faheem was a donkey cart rider, adding that both were last seen in the neighbourhood in the afternoon of April 10, the first day of Eid ul Fitr.