A cry for justice

Men, women, and children in Turbat have been on the roads for two weeks. People are protesting for justice and the re­lease of their loved ones who have been picked by the forces. All of the picked people are missing. It is understandable that a person be arrested on charges, even if they are suspected. But it is pecu­liar that a person be arrested by forces and be disappeared. It is alarming to see such situations in the 21st century. 

But this is not a new issue in Balochistan. The court has au­thority in respect of Habeas Cor­pus to take action against the of­ficers who detain a culprit for more than 24 hours. Contrarily, people in Balochistan are arrest­ed and disappeared by forces, but neither the court nor the admin­istration bears the power to take any action. Children of their dis­appeared fathers, sisters of their disappeared brothers, wives of their disappeared husbands are yelling on the roads that if they are culprits, then they should be presented before the court, and the court should decide their for­tune. This is the responsibili­ty of the judiciary to take action against this cruelty. It is lament­ing that there is no one to listen to these cries. On the other hand, Manzoor Pashtin, a leader of Pashtun, left Chaman for Turbat on 4th Dec 2023 to join the pro­test. He was stopped on the way by FC and Police of Chaman. Even forces have opened fire on his march. It is much strange that in a democratic country, people are obstructed from expressing their views and demanding justice.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt