Pak doctor secures 2nd position

Outstanding Diplomacy Award

PESHAWAR  -  Lecturer in Communi­ty Health Sciences at Pe­shawar Medical College, Dr Amir Hamza achieved second position among the 200 delegates, secur­ing the Outstanding Di­plomacy Award for his simulation representa­tion of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The event, organised by the US-based organ­isation and NGO, best diplomats, took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, said a press release is­sued here on Monday. It featured intense compe­tition among over 200 participants from 60 dif­ferent nationalities.

The conference, rec­ognised for bringing to­gether top diplomats and experts worldwide, provided a platform for participants to show­case their talents with a diverse array of topics. The event proved to be an arena for intellectual discourse and diplomat­ic prowess.

Dr Hamza was spon­sored by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a youth delegate. In the past, he attended the Best Diplomat Conferences held in Dubai, Egypt, Tur­key, Thailand, and partici­pated in four online Mod­el United Nations (MUN) simulations. In the con­ference, he represented the Syrian Arab Repub­lic through his simulation representation.

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