Pakistan, EU agree to strengthen parliamentary linkages

ISLAMABAD   -   Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, who is cur­rently in Brussels to attend the 3rd European Union (EU) In­do-Pacific Ministerial Forum, yesterday met the Chair of Eu­ropean Parliament’s Delega­tion for Relations with Coun­tries of South Asia, MEP Nicola Procaccini. During the meet­ing, they discussed the emerg­ing trends of geopolitics and agreed to strengthen Pakistan EU parliamentary linkages through frequent engagement and dialogue, the Foreign Of­fice Spokesperson posted on X. Earlier, Foreign Minister Jilani called for promoting economic cooperation and regional con­nectivity to ensure peace and prosperity in the South Asian region. In his address to lead­ing scholars and distinguished academicians from various in­ternational and European in­stitutions at the Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels, the foreign minister emphasized the pivotal role of economic cooperation in mak­ing a prosperous region. Min­ister Jilani underscored the ne­cessity of resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute for last­ing peace in South Asia. He also discouraged geopolitical con­tests and the formation of con­flicting bloc structures and alli­ances in the region.

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