2300 power theft cases registered across country

Power Secretary says 369 arrested with a fine of Rs441m

ISLAMABAD  -  In the ongoing move against the electricity thieves, Discos have regis­tered over 2300 FIRs, arresting 369 violators with a cumulative fine of Rs441 million.

Federal Secretary Power Division (Ministry of Energy) Rashid Mah­mood Langrial has said that pow­er distribution companies (Dis­cos) have detected over 10.7 million units of power theft and recovered Rs162 million from the violators.

He said that 6,215 cases of power theft have been detected, of which 2,380 FIRs have been lodged and 369 accused have been arrested. 

According the data shared with media, the Secretary said the high­est number of 1,602 theft cases were detected under the jurisdic­tion of Multan Electric Power Com­pany (MEPCO); 676 FIRs were reg­istered and 88 were arrested. The power theft was of 2.452 million units and a fine of Rs 101.7 million was imposed of which Rs11.4 mil­lion were recovered.

Similalry, the Lahore Electric Sup­ply Company (LESCO) followed it with 1,414 cases, FIRs were reg­istered against 887 people and 88 were arrested. There was a power theft of 4.32 million. The authorities slapped a penalty of Rs183.9 mil­lion, but the theft recovery was only Rs13.56 million.

In HESCO region 784 cases were detected, with 238 registered FIRs, while 38 were apprehended. The to­tal theft of units was 1.056 million units and was charged Rs29.92 mil­lion. The recovery was only Rs4.0 million, while another Rs40.6 million were recovered as previous arrears.

In QESCO, 569 theft cases were detected, 41 FIRs were registered and 38 were arrested. So far, a theft of 418000 units was detected, and a fine of Rs20.1 million was im­posed while recovery was of Rs1.15 million. In SEPCO region 527 cas­es of theft were surfaced. Around 122 FIRs were registered and 140 were sent to jail. A power theft of 336,000 units was detected and fine of over 16 million rupees was imposed of which the theft recov­ery was Rs2.87 million. The pre­vious arrear of Rs60.2 million was also recovered. 

In PESCO, 410 theft cases were un­earthed, and the authorities request­ed 322 FIR registrations, of which 44 were registered and 32 persons arrested. In PESCO’s jurisdiction, 271,000 units of theft was detect­ed Rs13.8 million in fines were im­posed and Rs2.29 million of theft fine was recovered. 

In the service area of FESCO 326 cases were detected. The authorities requested for 324 FIRs of which 92 were registered and one was arrest­ed. Likewise, 197 cases of theft were detected in GEPCO region and were requested for registering FIRs against them however 63 FIRs were regis­tered and seven were arrested. In IES­CO, 187 cases emerged, of which reg­istration of 57 FIRs was requested, of which 15 were registered. There was a theft of 346,000 units, and Rs14.73 million penalties were imposed of which Rs2.7 million were recovered. 

The old arrears of Rs 8.56 million were also recovered. 

In TESCO, 82 cases of power theft were detected, and 30 FIRs were re­quested, but no FIR was registered nor made any arrest. The volume of power theft was of 276,000 units. A total fine of Rs7.0 million was im­posed, but only Rs0.72 million was recovered.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt