LAHORE - Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi made a visit to the Lahore Development Authority’s (LDA)’s one-window cell on Tuesday, where he engaged with visitors to inquire about the status of their applications. During interactions with citizens, concerns were raised regarding delays in the processing of their applications. In response, the CM promptly called upon the relevant officials and instructed them to ensure the timely disposal of pending applications.
In his commitment to addressing citizen grievances, Mohsin Naqvi issued immediate directives to resolve the complaints of individuals on the spot. He underscored that No Objection Certificates (NOCs) would be provided to senior citizens at their residences without delay. Additionally, he outlined plans for the establishment of a streamlined system to deliver complete documents to other citizens directly at their doorstep, further enhancing convenience. Emphasizing the importance of catering to expatriate Pakistanis, the chief minister directed the incharge of the one-window cell to address complaints from overseas citizens within ten days instead of the previously stipulated two weeks. During the visit, concerns were also voiced by citizens regarding the need for repeated visits to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) office for verification purposes. In response, the CM assured citizens that he would liaise with the federal government to establish an FBR counter within the LDA One-Window Cell, aimed at sparing people the inconvenience of multiple visits. Highlighting measures to enhance citizen accessibility, Mohsin Naqvi noted that the operational hours of the one-window cell have been extended, with the facility now operating in two shifts until 9:00 pm. The chief minister’s prompt responsiveness to citizens’ concerns and his commitment to improving facilities at the one-window cell were met with gratitude by those in attendance.