SMBR reviews state land management system

LAHORE  -  Senior Member Board of Revenue (SMBR) Nabil Ja­ved reviewed the state land management system under the Directorate of Land Records (DLR) here Tuesday. Officers from Punjab Land Records Author­ity (PLRA), Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Directorate of Land Records (DLR) and other relevant departments attended the meeting. During the meeting, the SMBR issued directives to stream­line processes and ensure transparency. The fore­most among these directives was to address the issue of groups unlawfully occupying government land.

Nabil Javed emphasized the zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and nepotism in the land acqui­sition system. He stated that any instance of bribery and nepotism would be met with immediate disci­plinary action. In a bid to enhance efficiency, he man­dated the swift dissemination of all rules and regula­tions related to land acquisition management to all deputy commissioners (DCs).

He also stressed the need for timely registration of areas which were yet to complete their online registration. He directed the PLRA to expedite the creation of a comprehensive dashboard as this was in line with the commitment to ensure that govern­ment projects did not suffer unnecessary delays. Ex­pressing his vision for citizen-centric governance, he called for establishing accessible and citizen-friendly facilities in government offices. He added that access to accurate information about land holdings was a fundamental right of every citizen.

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