LAHORE - Pakistan’s emerging spin sensation, Abrar Ahmed, has set his sights on becoming the top spinner for the national team as the competition heats up with seasoned players like Imad Wasim, Mohammad Nawaz, and Shadab Khan. Speaking at a press conference held at the Pindi Cricket Stadium, Abrar expressed his determination to work hard and refine his mystery delivery to secure his place in the squad.”I worked more on my mystery delivery, and I aim to become the top spinner of the team,” Abrar stated confidently. As Pakistan prepares for the upcoming two-match home Test series against Bangladesh, Abrar remains focused on his role, leaving the final decision of inclusion in the Playing XI to the team management.” My job is to work hard; the management has to decide whether to field me or not,” he remarked. Looking ahead, Abrar also touched on his aspirations for the ICC Champions Trophy 2025, scheduled to be held in Pakistan. While hopeful, he acknowledged that the selection committee would ultimately decide his participation in the prestigious tournament.” The selection committee will decide whether I will play Champions Trophy games or not,” said the spinner. The two-match Test series between Pakistan and Bangladesh will kick off in Rawalpindi on August 21, with the second Test set to take place at the National Bank Stadium in Karachi from August 30 to September 3.