Effective steps being taken to deal with energy crisis in Pakistan, says Minister

QUETTA    -    A memorandum of under­standing (MoU) on energy efficiency conservation was signed between National En­ergy Efficiency Conservation Authority, Quetta Electric Sup­ply and Balochistan University of Information Technology En­gineering and Management Sciences on Thursday.Senior officers of NEECA, QESCO and faculty members of BUITEMS were present on the occasion. Speaking at the MoU ceremo­ny, Federal Minister of Science and Technology Agha Hassan Baloch said that the govern­ment was trying to take effec­tive measures to deal with the energy crisis in Pakistan, espe­cially in Balochistan. 

The introduction of solar sys­tem would help to overcome the difficulties faced by the land owners and agriculture depart­ment of Balochistan, he main­tained. He said that the purpose of the MoU with BUITEMS Uni­versity was to conduct research using the skills of the students and to tackle the energy-related challenges. The minister said in­ternships would also be offered to university students. Resolving the problems of Balochistan was the government’s top priority, he added.

Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor BUITEMS Engineer Ahmed Fa­rooq Bazai said that effective measures needed to be taken to overcome the energy crisis. “The establishment of COM­SATS University is a welcome move, it will help to raise the educational standard of the province,” he added. 

MD NEECA Dr Sardar Moaz­zam, Chief Engineer QESCO Naeem Kakar also addressed the event. At the end of the ceremony, the MoU was signed by the three institutions. Ac­cording to the key points of the MoU, providing technical expertise and capacity build­ing in the specified areas, while providing institutional support and opportunities to the Uni­versity to access funds for set­ting up accredited testing labs and energy efficiency to pro­

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