8th Essa Lab Trophy Basketball Tournament from 18th 

LAHORE - The 8th Essa Lab Trophy Boys and Girls Basketball Tournament will be played under the aus­pices of Firdous Ittihad and Usman Basketball Club at In­ternational Abdul Nasir Bas­ketball Court, Arambagh from Friday (Aug 18). The tourna­ment includes 12 teams in boys and 8 teams in girls. A meeting of the organizing com­mittee will be held on Thurs­day under the chairmanship of KBBA President Ghulam Muhammad Khan, in which organizing secretary of boys Haji M Ashraf Yahya and sec­retary of girls Zaima Khatun will give a briefing about the tournament. Meanwhile, Com­missioner Karachi Muhammad Iqbal Memon has thanked the CEO of Essa Laboratory, Prof Dr Farhan Essa Abdullah, for sponsoring the tournament for the eighth consecutive time.

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