PPP Human Rights Cell condemns attack on churches in Faisalabad

ISLAMABAD  -  Pakistan People’s Party Human Rights Cell yes­terday strongly con­demns the heinous attack on a church in Faisalabad, which took place on 16 August in Jaranwala Faisalabad.

“This cowardly act of violence against a reli­gious place is an affront to the principles of reli­gious freedom and toler­ance that our nation up­holds,” the PPP-HRC said in a statement. It added: “Minorities and their re­ligious places deserve ut­most respect, protection, and freedom to practice their faith without fear. The attack on the church in Faisalabad not only violates the fundamen­tal rights of the Christian community but also un­dermines the fabric of our diverse society.”

The PPP Human Rights Cell called upon the authorities to con­duct a thorough inves­tigation into the attack and bring the perpetra­tors to justice swiftly. It is imperative that security measures are strengthened to prevent such incidents in the future and to provide a sense of security to all religious communi­ties, the PPP HRC said. Furthermore, the PPP Human Rights Cell ap­pealed to the govern­ment, civil society orga­nizations, and citizens across the country to stand united against re­ligious intolerance and violence. It also urged the Senate, the house of federation, to discuss the growing intolerance in the country and for­mulate a course of ac­tion to counter it.

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