Ethiopian Embassy, SDPI agree to promote Green Legacy Initiative

ISLAMABAD   -   Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and the Embassy of Ethi­opia have joined forces to pro­mote the Green Legacy Initiative in Pakistan. The initiative aims to foster green development, na­ture conservation, and food secu­rity through afforestation efforts. The collaboration was marked by a seminar titled “Ethio-Pakistan Fraternity Under The Green Lega­cy Initiative,” organized jointly by SDPI and the Ethiopian Embassy.

During the seminar, Dr. Abid Qa­iyum Suleri, Executive Director of SDPI, emphasized the significance of the Green Legacy Initiative, not­ing its transformative impact on Ethiopia’s environment and soci­etal well-being. He highlighted Ethi­opia’s commitment to sharing its success story with other countries facing climate crises, emphasizing the need for resilience against envi­ronmental degradation.

Ambassador Jemal Beker Abdu­la praised the efforts of Pakistan’s Coordinator on Climate Change and expressed gratitude for col­laboration in mitigating the ad­verse impacts of climate change. He outlined the Green Legacy In­itiative’s objectives, emphasiz­ing the importance of develop­ing synergies and collaboration for achieving common goals relat­ed to human-nature relationships and environmental well-being.

The Ambassador detailed Ethi­opia’s aggressive green develop­ment initiatives, including its com­mitment to halting fossil fuel-based vehicle imports and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. He credited Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for spearheading various policy re­forms that have transformed Ethio­pia into a peaceful, prosperous, and eco-friendly nation.

Prime Minister’s Coordinator for Climate Change, Romina Khur­shid Alam, extended gratitude to the Ethiopian government for fostering collaboration between Pakistan and Ethiopia in envi­ronmental conservation. She em­phasized the urgency of taking action to protect nature, particu­larly on Earth Day, urging a collec­tive pledge to safeguard the planet from environmental threats.

At the seminar’s conclusion, SDPI presented a memento and its latest publications to the Ethiopi­an Ambassador, symbolizing the ongoing partnership between the two entities in advancing environ­mental sustainability.

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