Beaconhouse G-15 celebrates early years and art culmination

ISLAMABAD  -  Beaconhouse Educational Com­plex G-15 recently lit up with the vibrant hues of creativity and the joyous laughter of its youngest learners as it celebrated the Ear­ly Years and Art Pod Culmination Day. The event, held on Thursday, 18th April 2024, marked a signif­icant milestone in the educational journey of these budding talents.

The occasion was graced by es­teemed personalities, includ­ing the Executive Director-North of Beaconhouse School System (BSS), Mr. Nassir Kassuri, and the Regional Director-North, Mr. Kha­waja Hiader Latif. Their presence added prestige to the event and inspired both students and facul­ty alike.

Ms. Ayesha Shams, the dedicat­ed school head, lauded her staff for their unwavering commitment and passion in guiding and nur­turing the students. Her words of praise echoed through the halls, acknowledging the collective ef­fort of the teachers in fostering an environment where every child can thrive and shine.

The culmination day show­cased the culmination of months of hard work, exploration, and artistic expression by the stu­dents. Colourful artwork adorn­ing the walls showcased the tal­ents of the young learners, the event was a testament to the nurturing environment provid­ed by Beaconhouse Educational Complex G-15.

Parents, teachers, and guests were treated to a delightful dis­play of creativity as students proudly exhibited their projects and learning throughout the year. Parents were particularly appre­ciative and joyous to see the young students’ work and the thought­ful way it was displayed, express­ing their admiration for the dedi­cation and effort put forth by both students and educators.

The event not only celebrated the achievements of the students but also highlighted the impor­tance of early childhood education and the role of the arts in fostering holistic development.

As Mr. Nassir Kassuri and Mr. Khawaja Hiader Latif commend­ed the students for their efforts, they emphasized the signifi­cance of providing a supportive environment that encourages creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning.

The Early Years and Art Pod Culmination Day at Beaconhouse Educational Complex G-15 was indeed a celebration of young tal­ent, innovation, and the trans­formative power of education. It served as a reminder of the school’s commitment to nurtur­ing the next generation of lead­ers and innovators.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt