PESHAWAR - An anthem created in support of KP Governor Ghulam Ali has drawn criticism and gone viral on social media. In this anthem, the poet praises the governor for “immediately ordering authorities to send a helicopter to rescue the persons stranded in the Battagram chairlift.”
Many social media users have commented on the anthem, which begins with words in Pashto, meaning, “You sent them a helicopter (to Battagram), O Governor, thank you, thank you.” Residents have commented that it is very strange that some party activists started falsely praising the governor when the victims had not even been rescued from the dangling chairlift.
A flurry of comments and memes followed the anthem, which was said to have been created by a JUI-F activist from the Battagram district. One meme showed a broken fan circulating and running in a hall, with the same “helicopter anthem” playing in the background. Another humorous video showed a man riding a bicycle designed to resemble a helicopter, seemingly from an African country, with the same anthem playing in the background.