OIC FMs meeting on Quran desecration on July 31

ISLAMABAD  -  An emergency session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on the issue of incidents of desecration of Holy Quran will be held virtually July 31 at the OIC Secretariat Jed­dah. All foreign ministers of OIC member countries will participate in the session virtually. 

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhut­to Zardari would also address the meeting. Sources in OIC Secretar­iat told the nation that a strong res­olution would also be adopted by the OIC FM. Invitation to Bilaw­al was extended yesterday by OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha by telephone. The telephone call was made against the back­drop of recurring incidents of the desecration of Holy Quran in Swe­den and other European countries.

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