Pakistan needs N-power plants to end energy crisis: PAEC

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan needs to build more nuclear power plants to overcome severe energy shortfall.
This was stated by Dr. Ansar Parvez, Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) while addressing the 58th IAEA General Conference at Vienna, Austria, says a statement issued by PAEC here on  He said, “Guided by the past interaction, we remain committed to synergizing our efforts with those of the Agency to harness the vast potential of nuclear technology - the most significant aspect of which for Pakistan is nuclear power given our limited conventional energy resources”. The 58th IAEA General Conference is currently in session from September 22-26 at Vienna, Austria. Chairman PAEC informed that Pakistan’s first nuclear power plant, KANUPP was established in 1972.  More than forty years of its safe operation has provided confidence further to pursue the nuclear power option.
The PAEC Chief stated that the Chashma Nuclear Power Plants, 325 MWe units 1 & 2, built with the assistance of China are operating successfully.  The performance and economics of these two units has won support for nuclear power from the decision makers and the cost of electricity from these is lower than that from all other means of electrical power generation, except hydropower.  Two more units C-3 & C-4 currently under construction are expected to be completed within cost and on schedule or may be earlier.  The other two units 1100 MWe each are being constructed in Karachi and with the completion of these two units, nuclear power would begin to make a sizeable contribution to electricity generation in the country, he added. 
He said, “The new plants being acquired for the Karachi site are Generation-III plants with enhanced safety features”. He apprised the General Conference that Pakistan has firm regulatory infrastructure in place. 
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) has based its regulations on the IAEA safety standards, and also offers itself for independent peer reviews. 
This year an IAEA IRSS mission comprising more than 20 experts from 15 different countries visited PNRA in April-May 2014.
He informed that Pakistan is also contributing to the promotion of science at the global level.
As an active partner of the world renowned laboratory for nuclear research, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) based in Geneva, Pakistan applied for its Associate Membership in February 2013 and has now been admitted as an Associate Member last week, he remarked.
He said that PAEC has been making important contributions to many socio-economic sectors for the nation, especially providing vital service through its nuclear medical hospitals. During 2013, three such hospitals were added bringing the total number of medical centres to eighteen.
These hospitals serve more than 700,000 patients each year. PAEC plans to further expand its services by setting up more nuclear medical centres, he informed.
In the agriculture sector, in recognition to its scientific activities during the last several decades, the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad received the Achievement Award in mutation breeding from the IAEA’s Joint FAO/IAEA Division, which celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Dr. Parvez reiterated that Pakistan has the credentials to become a recipient and supplier of nuclear technology for peaceful purpose. 
Pakistan aspires to play its part at the international level as a mainstream partner, including as full member of export control regimes, particularly the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).
Appreciating the role of IAEA, the Chairman PAEC said that IAEA has played a positive role in fostering the peaceful applications of nuclear technology around the world.
Pakistan has greatly benefited from its cooperation with IAEA and Pakistan has also been able to make some modest contributions towards the Agency’s activities by sharing experience and providing services of experts in several technical areas.

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