Inflationary pressures

Inflation has always been a constant in history, but Paki­stan’s recent economic perfor­mance has been notably weak. This economic downturn has dis­proportionately affected those who were already struggling to make ends meet. Prices of goods have soared, and even basic items are expected to double in price by 2023. The cost of petroleum products has increased, as have the prices of everyday foods and beverages. This has had a signifi­cant impact, particularly on those who were previously living on limited means.

Essential necessities like food, electricity, gas, and water are typ­ically provided by governments to their citizens. However, in our country, the entire system ap­pears to be in disarray. People are resorting to using wood stoves and cylinders, and some are even using equipment that the govern­ment has declared illegal due to the high costs of gas and electric­ity. It is clear that things are not the same as they used to be, and people’s quality of life has suf­fered as a result.

In this era of inflation, it is be­coming increasingly difficult to ex­tend hospitality to others or pro­vide them with affordable options for food and beverages, especial­ly for the middle and lower-middle classes. Therefore, it is imperative for the government to take effective measures to address rising infla­tion and its impact on the populace.



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