LAHORE - The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has lodged the First Information Report (FIR) with the police station concerned against Mujahid Zubair Dairy on account of adulteration during a raid in Roshan Bhela, Kasur. PFA Director General Raja Jahangir Anwar said that acting on the tip-off, a dairy safety team raided a fake milk production unit and caught the adulteration mafia members red-handed producing ‘fabricated’ milk with hazardous chemicals and other ingredients. He said the raiding team took milk samples on-the-spot and found contamination of vegetable oil, whey powder, polluted water and chemicals. The raiding team discarded a huge quantity of substandard milk, 50kg powder and 48kg ghee besides confiscating a vehicle, 11 drums, mixing machines and other goods during the raid, he added. The PFA DG appreciated the raiding team for taking timely action against enemies of public health and ruined their unholy ambitions. He said that adulterated milk was to be supplied to different local milk shops in Lahore.