MD PBM Syed Tariq assumes charge

ISLAMABAD  -   The government has named Syed Tariq Mehmood Ul Hassan as the Managing Director (MD) of Pakistan Bait Ul Mal, according to a spokesperson on Monday. Syed Tariq Mehmood Ul Hassan has al­ready assumed his duties as the newly appointed MD. Upon his ar­rival at the office, both senior and junior officers of PBM extended a warm welcome to the MD. Subse­quently, during a meeting, the MD was briefed by subordinates on on­going public welfare projects and other official matters. Addressing the gathering, MD Syed Tariq Me­hmood Ul Hassan expressed his honour and acknowledged the sig­nificant responsibility accompany­ing his new role. He emphasized that addressing the needs of the destitute in society would be a top priority, considering poverty allevi­ation and addressing the problems of the needy as major challenges.

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