KHAIRPUR - In a terrible round of measles, three children of the same family died while other four were reported in critical condition in Khairpur.
The deceased children, living near Kanab, were identified as two-year-old Dadan, one-year-old Junaid, and four-year-old girl Sameera. As per the information, almost 200 children have been reported suffering from measles throughout the city. Severe shortage of medicines, including poor sanitation arrangements were also reported in hospitals. Citizens of the city complained that the administration has not taken any precautions to control the epidemic yet.
Two kids drown in Rohri Canal in Khairpur
Two innocent children drowned while bathing in Rohri Kanal in the Ranipur area of Khairpur on Sunday. According to the details, 10-year-old Shayan Islami and 10-year-old Ali Rahbar drowned while bathing in Rohri Canal.
The dead bodies of the both children were recovered from the canal by the Navy’s rescue team and shifted to Ranipur Hospital. The families stated that their children went to the canal to cool off due to the severe heat and drowned. They also mentioned that the authorities helped in recovering the dead bodies of their children.