CTD nets 6 militants including 4 IS terrorists

PESHAWAR  -  Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) has success­fully apprehended six alleged terrorists during sep­arate operations conducted in the Peshawar and Mardan regions, officials said on Tuesday.

A CTD spokesman, Bakht Munir, said that four of the detainees have been linked to the Islamic State (IS) and are believed to have been involved in a se­ries of terrorist activities, including targeted as­sassinations of minorities. The alleged IS militants have been identified as Muhammad Rahim, Sha­hid, Saleh Muhammad, and Raz Muhammad.

According to CTD sources, these suspects had been residing in various areas of Peshawar for an extend­ed period, where they allegedly aided IS militants in carrying out several attacks, including the target­ed killings of Sikhs, Christians, religious scholars, police personnel, and others over the past several months. Meanwhile, two members of a gang, Faizu­llah hailing from Mohmand district and Saeedullah, an Afghan national residing in Lahore, were also ar­rested. Forensic analysis of their mobile phones un­veiled the existence of at least 10 WhatsApp groups operating from Afghanistan, primarily dedicated to making extortion calls to affluent people. The gang’s activities had not only involved extortion calls but also included grenade and IED attacks.

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