Seminar on breastfeed held

OKARA  -   In­fants can be protected from many diseases by breastfeeding,said Tahir Amin, Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance, Integrated Reproductive Maternal New born Child Health and Nutrition (IRMNCH) Program in a Breastfeeding Week Sem­inar organized by District Health Authority,Okara here on Sunday. The importance and useful­ness of mother’s milk cannot be denied in any case,he said. He added that the week would be celebrated across the province from August 28 to September 2 aimed to provide awareness to the public, especially women, about the im­portance of milk. He said that drinking breast milk keeps both mother and child healthy, removes malnutrition,boosts im­munity while reducing asthma, allergies, and infections, among other diseases. Mothers should breastfeed exclusively for six months and pro­vide additional soft foods along with milk until two years of age. In the semi­nar, a large number of School Health and Nutri­tion Supervisors, Lady Health Supervisors, pub­lic representatives and journalists participated. Later,a walk was orga­nized in this regard.

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