1127 NDMA teams conducting locust control operation

ISLAMABAD - National Di­saster Management Authori­ty (NDMA) has constituted 1,127 teams to conduct locust control operation in effects districts of the country.

According to spokesman, the NDMA has completed the poison­ous fumes spray of over

4,200 hectare and survey of 290,000 hectare locust swarm hit area of the country in the last 24 hours.

Both aerial and ground spray of various districts was being contin­ued right now.

Sharing details of the ongoing efforts to kill locust swarms, he said the spraying of 1,500 hectare area of Balochistan and 8,00 hect­are area of Punjab have been com­pleted in the last 24 hours.

The treatment of 700 hectare area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 1,200 hectare area of Sindh have been finished in the last 24 hours.

A total of 60 districts of the country were affected by locust attack, including 31 districts of Balochistan, 9 of Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa, 10 each districts of Pun­jab and Sindh have been hit by the locust attacks.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt