OIC dilemma

The Organization of Islamic Co­operation (OIC) consists of 57 Muslim countries and aims to pro­tect member countries while pro­moting peace, harmony, and di­alogue among them. In recent years, there has been a percep­tion that the OIC is too vulnerable to achieve its core objectives, and this perception appears to be be­coming a reality, particularly in its response to the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Palestinian Arabs in Gaza are facing a severe and violent con­flict, with denial of basic necessi­ties by Israeli authorities. The OIC, in its recent meeting, failed to pro­pose effective solutions or take concrete steps to address the on­going war. Suggestions such as suspending ties with Israel or boy­cotting Israeli products were dis­cussed but no decisive actions were taken.

The OIC’s role in protecting the Palestinians and halting the con­flict has been inadequate, marked by a lack of meaningful measures. Urgent and substantial efforts are needed from the OIC to address the conflict, prevent further esca­lation, and contribute to peace and prosperity in the region.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt