Imam Hussain’s charter unveils uncharted territories for Muslims in contemporary era

Imam Hussain's (RA) struggle is in every way relevant to political events witnessed today as the Middle East Peace Plan is being dubbed as ‘deal of the century’

As we remember the struggle of Imam Hussain (RA), the most important lesson relevant in contemporary era is the idea of political system. The transgressions of Bani Umayya in Syrian administration (chapter four titled 'Journey from Khilafat to Malookiyat,' Khilafat-o-mlaookiyat) resulted in arrogant and ignorant political actions which undermined the 'Governance mechanisms and political settlements' that had been set on basis of the consensus on law which established  those 'terms of references' functioning as rules of business for running governmental affairs in Islamic Caliphate. Simply put, the reference is to the political agreement between Hazrat Ali and Caliph Moawiyah regarding 'transfer of power.' (The major part of events symbolised in this article have been taken from research papers introduced by contemporary Islamic scholars).

Furthermore, the opposition in Syrian court dominated by ex-Byzantine officials during Mowaiya's tenure opposed the rise of Persian province, Iraq, as the region harbouring the Government of Islamic Caliphate. The division in the House of Islam hit the last nail of the coffin when Imam Hussain (RA) was martyred in Karbala on the banks of River Euphrates in Iraq. In Islam, the level of importance of the link between Politics and Governance can be understood from the fact that Allah Almighty took this sacrifice from no one else but Imam Hussain (RA).

In essence, undue interference and illegal intervention in Political Governance by certain force/s threatens to destroy the fabric that weaves together the organs and institutions of State into One Unit. During Caliph Ali's rule, the fourth Rashidun Caliph's tenure, the battles arising due to Kharijites and Hypocrites (Reference to Hadith on opponents and killers of Ammar Bin Yasir being hypocrites ; also another reference to Sahih Bukhari's Umdatul Qari 7083 in Imam Badruddin Ainy Hanfi's book) led to creation of State within State and also, State above State which destroyed the foundation of political system created by Islam (Miraqtul Mafateh: Mishkat 5878, Mullah Ali Qari) . The event of martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA) is nothing less than lesson regarding importance of preserving the Islamic idea of Governance and, the valuing of the sacrifice also serves as remembrance regarding the manner of adopting adequate approach to establishing and building Islamic political system which was then eroded and destroyed by actions of those who challenged fourth Caliph of Islam on basis of hypocritical stance (Umayyads; mentioned in Musnad Ahmad, 16957).  

In addition to this, Umhatul Momineen Aisha (RA) is excluded from any such blame. In fact, she is the narrator of Hadith on Ahl al-Kisa (Hazrat Aisha was witness when Holy Prophet put his cloak over Hazrat Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain) and Ghadeer Khum. Hazrat Aisha's brothers, Muhammad and Abdur Rehman, were stern and staunch opponents of Moawiya. Infact, both of Aisha's brothers supported Hazrat Ali (RA). She had sided with Talha and Zubair, for avenging martyrdom of Usman (genuine demand to bring killers of Third Caliphate to Justice), who established Madina as the seat of Government of Islamic Caliphate. Hazrat Aisha also shielded Abdur Rahman Bin Bakr when Ummayyads came to imprison him due to her brother's support for Hazrat Ali

Coming back to the point, the 'movement of truth' depicted in historical process associated with the Days of Allah (AyaamIllah) enables us to establish futuristic approach in order to cater for debates regarding eschatological position on political events occurring  in contemporary era. For e.g. the event of Karbala indicates that the ‘form of Government’ and the ‘type of political system (including leadership)’ is central to functioning of Institution of Pledge of Allegiance in the Islamic Caliphate. The moral struggle of Imam Hussain (RA) was nothing less than political and religious struggle waged to restore the terms of agreement which prohibited any Caliph from turning the 'idea of Consensus' into 'whims of central authouritarian figure.' His (RA) struggle is in every way relevant to political events witnessed today as the Middle East Peace Plan is being dubbed as ‘deal of the century.’ What guidance do the Quran and Prophetic traditions provide Muslims regarding eschatological position on utilisation of evidence-based reasoning to institutionalise the observation (examining and identifying) of trends, patterns and trajectories of political events in the Middle East which also have connection to the ‘deal of the century.’ 

How do Muslim countries protect Strategic interests and safeguard National Interests as western bloc spearheads its ‘Middle East Peace Plan.’ The ‘Political Value of Symbolic Interpretationism’ suggests that Institution of Pledge of Allegiance based on Consensus is the way forward. Such endeavor also unites Shi’ite and Sunni School of Thought related to connection between Imamat (Divine Leadership) and Khilafat (Political Leadership). Prophetic traditions enable us to determine the 'eschatological events' as link between ‘historical and political events.’  Imam Hussain's struggle is part of the historical process. If the initiator is Imam Hussain then the one who completes the unfinished business in political sense is none but Imam Al Mahdi (Sunni and Shi'ite schools of thought must come to terms on participating in establishing of regional framework and building of its respective infrastructure). Therefore, there is a need to understand the concept of authourity and idea of power when it comes to Political events associated with Islamic Caliphate. Where does the world of Islam stand with respect to pursuit of Competent and Genuine Political Leadership? The answer lies in pursuing central Islamic idea that foundations of concept of power must be based on faith. It requires the 'mistake made in Ummayyad Syria' (Mustadrak Al-Haakim, 8038)  to be corrected by contemporary Muslims by not compromising political governance as cause to the effect of legitimising credibility of forceful interferences in a political set-up but adopt consensus based upon genuine and correct methodology. Today, once ‘Byzantinian’ Syria is assuming similar status at expense of once ‘Persian’ Iraq. It seems that future regional framework architecture and infrastructure will be based in Syria as part of western and eastern bloc’s strategic interest. This brings us to the implementation of Deal of the Century in the Middle East Peace Plan (Is Israel stepping up its game by planning to wage secret war before 'series of wars'?)

In contemporary era, the Western bloc and Eastern forces are trying to reach terms of agreement for Peace and Security through political settlement as Israel is already prepared to soon assume status as the Ruling State of the world.   However, according to eschatological details mentioned in the Prophetic traditions, it seems Syria is the country / place where all regional and global forces (major and minor) will soon gather for such Political agreements to guarantee Peace and Security (It is part of ‘deal of the century’ and the Middle East Peace Plan) in Middle East. The political events in Libya are precursor to new Syrian setup (Politics in MENA region: Is Libya the 'next Syria?'). There is a need to ensure 'Political Governance' drives the 'Syrian administration' and not the other way around. The tilt towards Syria as new diplomatic center of Middle East can be confirmed through evidence-based reasoning in terms of observation of trends, patterns and trajectories of political events particularly in MENA region. Particularly, Libya being dealt as ‘test case’ before venturing into new Syrian setup. Syria’s new rising stature might possibly be due to Russia's diplomacy in Syria being recognised by those who do not seek to come to terms with Israel and, they prefer Syria as the option (The end game of Iraq Plan: winning against fifth generation warfare). Secondly, western bloc prefers 'Russia in Syria' rather than 'China in Iran (read: Iraq).' Therefore, Russia is recognised as potentially viable option by the western bloc. The US and Russia are most active in military terms in Northern Syria apart from Turkish Military. Russia can diplomatically and militarily push for a planned 'balancing' approach (for eastern bloc) as Western bloc also takes control of Syria (ultimately allowing Syrian administration to bypass practice of political governance). The political set-up in Syria might possibly be in clutches of US, UK, EU and NATO while Russia and opposing side will not have upper hand unless regional framework architecture and infrastructure is not settled through equal representation of eastern bloc. This is where aforementioned ‘eschatological link between Historical and Political events’ is determined through evidence-based reasoning (observation i.e., identifying and examining the trends, trajectories and patterns of political events) such that two opposing sides as superpowers in history i.e. Byzantines and Persians (in first age) are now represented by two new Superpowers (US and Russia in the Second or Last Age which would then later form Joint-Alliance) as explained in 'Role of religious eschatology in affairs of Ruling State, Nation of Abraham & Kurds.'

Thinking future strategy for regional framework architecture and infrastructure

As stated in first paragraph, the Byzantine-Persian enmity crept into practices of Islamic political-governmental setup after ex-Byzantine officials instigated Syrian administration to rise up against the seat of Government in Kufa, the capital of Islamic Caliphate being located in Persian province (Iraq), thereby re-ignited and intensified the rivalry between ex-Byzantine and ex-Persian officials. The genuine demands for avenging the killing of Hazrat Uthman was manipulated by Syrian administration as an excuse for wresting control from Hazrat Ali. Furthermore,  this is classic example of ‘State within State’ or ‘State above State.’ The divine truth behind sacrifice of Imam Hussain is to highlight and preserve the importance of moral and political struggle against falsehood and transgression of the bounds set by Allah Almighty. The problem persists till today which needs attention and efforts more than merely addressing needs of regional framework architecture and infrastructure. Therefore, the struggle of Imam Al Mahdi is about also preserving the political system of Islam based upon Consensus (criteria of electing or selecting leadership based Sunni school of thought) and Institution of Pledge of Allegiance (criteria based upon events leading to rise of divine leadership based upon Shi’ite school of thought and, Sunni school of thought’s acceptance to recognise genuine leadership), as the Joint-Government (comprised of western bloc and eastern forces: including, the major and minor stakeholders as well as regional and global powers) in Syria would have to be cleansed from dirt which threatens ‘Political Governance practices upheld by Eastern bloc’ in order to oppose any dictatorial stance of dictatorial stance working against strategic interests of the east. Political Governance is ‘thinking future strategy with regards to governmental set up in regional framework architecture and infrastructure based upon mutual consensual understanding of eastern and western bloc for practicing governance.’ This binds administration to political set-up. 

Eschatologically speaking, the  importance of areas of Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt etc mentioned in Hadith can also be explained in detail in accordance with the context laid out above. The Political system of Islam is closely synced with Governance spectrum. The geopolitics associated with these countries in the region depicts tug of war between eastern and western bloc which must be replaced by Peace Treaties and Security Pacts for ensuring effective Governance. Specifically, Muslims should ensure that the conditions and terms set in these agreements are not against Islamic Principles (Africa Pivot: The Strategy of Pakistan, Turkey & Israel for Security Pacts and Peace Treaties. A dictatorship in Syria which is under western influence or pressure will always favour Israeli policies in the region which also brings it into direct collision course with surrounding Muslim countries. Therefore, the answer for Muslim countries lies in convincing US, European countries and Russia to establish such ‘Political Governance’ practice which does not provide Israel an opportunity to trample upon rights of other countries with full amnesty, rather, blocks Israel from bypassing and trampling upon the will of surrounding Muslim countries. This also refers to preserving popular will or Democracy. The eschatological figure of Sufyani represents dictatorial figure as puppet of Western bloc. Though, the political agreement materialised as New Syrian set up for supervising region serves as binding security pact and peace treaty but the compromise on strategic interests of Eastern bloc at expense of preserving Israel's security would be a possible reference to need for stronger political force in the Eastern bloc. 

The restricting and contracting phase of Iran and Turkey has begun. Arabs / Gulf countries are playing to the tunes of the Western powers. Though, Arab countries in MENA region are adamant to pursue two-state solution and establishing relations with Israel but Arabs must not abandon such instructions of Quran, which upon ignorance, would result in more tightened, restricted and constricted space for Arabs. Unlike Arab / Gulf countries, Iran and Turkey might seek favourable political settlement in Syria. Russia will lead the process from the side of eastern bloc. Russia’s favourable position with Israel will enable it to bypass US, EU, UK and NATO’s concerns. The result will be a political solution to Mideast problem based on Diplomacy. However, lesson must be learned from Libyan episode where activities of Turkey, Russia, US, UK, EU (Germany, Italy, France), Egypt, UAE, KSA, Syria, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Algeria, Morocoo, Tunisia and China has brought Libya to forefront of geopolitical affairs with ‘far-reaching implications’ as Libya becomes test case as the ‘next Syria’ before peace treaty is upheld in new Syrian setup in future (Global Strategic Governance 2020: Politics of US, UK, EU, Russia & China in MENA region). Similarly, in Syria, the role and presence of Arabs will be systematically reduced to non-existent level while role of Iran will be ‘restricted’ and presence of Turkey will be ‘constricted.’ Concerning Arabs, prime example is that UAE and Israel have reached agreement to settle base near Yemen but such practice of consultation does not extend to ‘other Arab countries’; rather, they are targets of it. It seems Syria and Iraq would be the next target after Libya in order to create conditions to successfully coerce and force agreements favouring western bloc. 

Prophetic traditions categorically mention details regarding ‘political-historical events in Syria,’ which must be taken into account for deducing ‘Political value of Symbolic Interpretationsim’ in order to extract eschatological meaning on basis of ‘evidence-based reasoning through observation (examining and identifying trends, patterns and trajectories) of political events’ associated with MENA region. Therefore, Strong Political System is central to preserving Muslim identity to safeguard (eastern) strategic interests in order to administer powerful representation in the upcoming regional framework architecture and infrastructure in Syria. However, any breach or violation of such terms and agreements as agreed between stakeholders which effects ‘strategic interests of eastern bloc (with majority Islamic representation) pursued by consensual leadership’ would definitely lead to realisation to further strengthen eastern bloc’s majority representation’s reliance on Divine Leadership. A weak or compromised political system will lead to more problems, issues, threats and challenges whilst false excuses will be made for accepting credibility of certain leadership to remove governance gap. Weak political system means that Dictatorship would rule over Muslims and also prevent them from progress, stability and peace on basis of their own strategic interests. It is a blockage and gap which needs proper regional framework architecture and infrastructure encompassing the strategic interests of eastern bloc to block dictatorial or authouritarian set up in Syria. Imam Hussain’s charter for unchartered territories in contemporary era is the timely moral and political struggle to preserve the institutions producing such genuine leadership which pursues divine truth to support movement of truth according to AyamIllah (Days of Allah recognised on basis of ‘historical-political’ link identified on basis of evidence-based reasoning). Therefore, western led process in Syria must have effective Muslim and Arab representation for favourable Political Governance; otherwise, it is a futile exercise as strategic interests will solely be pursued according to priorities of western bloc. Resources as commodity are a requirement for all. This purpose cannot be achieved without struggling to preserve Political system of Islam which rests upon central idea that ‘Power is based upon faith.’ It requires more scholarly work in order to pursue teachings of Quran and Prophetic traditions as guidance for adopting methodology of ‘Political Value of Symbolic Interpretationism’ to derive understanding regarding eschatological position on pursuing evidence-based reasoning of political events based upon observation of trends, patterns and trajectories. 




Waqas Mahmood Ali is an International Strategy Analyst and Political commentator. Waqas is a former member of staff at 'The Nation' newspaper. He is 'Phd Candidate' at Strategic Studies Department at Air University. He is associated with Newspapers, Radio and, Policy, Political and Media think tanks. He can be reached on twitter at @WaqasMahmoodAli

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