Bank AL Habib, ACE Money Transfer partner again to empower overseas Pakistanis, strengthen economy

LAHORE  -  Understanding the crucial role remittances play in Pakistan’s economic well-being, especially during the holy month of Rama­dan, ACE Money Transfer, a lead­ing remittance provider head­quartered in Manchester, UK, and Bank AL Habib, one of Pakistan’s premier commercial banks, have joined forces once again. This collaboration aims to incentivize overseas Pakistanis to send mon­ey home through legal channels while offering them the chance to win life-changing rewards.


Legal remittances contribute significantly to Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves, aiding in eco­nomic growth and stability. Con­versely, informal channels for sending money can be unreliable and pose security risks. Remit­tances are a vital lifeline for Paki­stan’s economy, and by incentiv­ising legal transfers through such meaningful rewards during Ra­madan, ACE Money Transfer and Bank AL Habib play a key role in supporting national develop­ment and ensuring the well-be­ing of countless families.


This year’s Ramazan campaign by ACE Money Transfer and Bank AL Habib aims to capital­ize on the traditional surge in remittances while incentivizing responsible financial practices. By sending money home via ACE Money Transfer to any Bank AL Habib account or choosing cash pickup from one of Bank AL Habib’s 1100+ branches, Paki­stani expats enter a series of lucky draws. The grand prize? Two lucky winners will each re­ceive PKR 10 million. Additional­ly, a series of Umrah packages are also being offered, allowing win­ners to undertake the sacred pil­grimage during the holy month.

Rashid Ashraf, CEO of ACE Money Transfer, stated, “This collaborative effort transcends mere transactions. It acknowl­edges the profound significance of Ramadan, a time for spiri­tual reflection, generosity, and strengthening family bonds. We at ACE Money Transfer are proud to revitalize our long­standing partnership with Bank AL Habib and offer such incred­ible opportunities to overseas Pakistanis while contributing to Pakistan’s economic well-being.”

Aun Ali, Group Head – Business of Bank AL Habib, said, “We are excited to announce the launch of the media campaign in collab­oration with ACE Money transfer during the holy month of Rama­zan. The campaign shows our commitment to building a mean­ingful relationship with our cus­tomers and encouraging them to use legal channels for sending remittances to Pakistan

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