Peshawar meeting strengthens bonds between Iran, KP

PESHAWAR  -  In a recent meeting, Consul General Ali Banafsheh Khah of the Islamic Republic of Iran engaged in extensive discus­sions with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism, Barrister Feroze Jamal Shah Kaka­khel.

Held in Peshawar, the deliberations underscored the deep historical, cultural, and religious ties between Iran and the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Emphasizing peo­ple-to-people connections, both dignitaries highlighted the significance of cultural exchange and tapped into the tour­ism potential inherent in the rich tapestry of both regions.

The discussions covered various aspects, including mu­tual festivals celebrating shared culture, heritage, food, and traditions. Additionally, avenues for enhancing trade were explored to bolster economic ties between Iran and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

A significant focal point was the exploration of measures to facilitate travel between Iranian cities and Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa, using road, sea, and air routes. This encompassed discussions on air flights connecting Iranian cities with Is­lamabad or Peshawar to cater to tourists and businessper­sons from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Minister Barrister Feroze Jamal Shah Kakakhel empha­sized the need for joint celebrations and festivities, high­lighting unique opportunities for religious and eco-tour­ism in both regions. Consul General Ali Banafsheh Khah expressed gratitude for the warm reception and acknowl­edged the historical bonds uniting the two regions, high­lighting the untapped potential to attract Iranian tourists to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Both dignitaries emphasized a shared commitment to strengthening diplomatic, cultural, and economic ties. An invitation extended by Consul General Ali Banafsheh Khah to Minister Information Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to participate in an upcoming exhibition in Iran was graciously accepted during the meeting.

The discussions also included considerations about the Palestine issue, where Consul General Ali Banafsheh Khah acknowledged Pakistan’s pivotal role in amplifying the voice of the Palestinian people, emphasizing the country’s exemplary contributions in this regard.

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