HYDERABAD-The power supply to large parts of Hyderabad was suspended on Tuesday morning and later in the afternoon due to dust storm and low rainfall, the spokesperson of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) Sadiq Kubar informed.
According to him, the power supply from 53 out of 126 electric feeders of 11KV in Hyderabad was suspended early in the morning.
He said most of the feeders were put off due to safety reasons. However, he added, faults also occurred in some feeders because of incidents like falling off the tree branches and signboards on the transmission lines.
He noted that a tower of the high transmission cable from Mithi to Tando Jam Muhammad also fell during the stormy winds.
The spokesperson told that a few hours later by 11am as the winds intensified 56 more feeders were shut down for safety reasons, taking the total to 109.
The power supply to the 132KV Qasimabad Grid Station was cut off because of tripping in the high transmission circuits E7Q1 and E8Q1, he observed.
He added that the tripping occurred at 11:27am after which the power supply was suspended to all the 24 feeders of Qasimabad Grid Station.
The blustery winds returned around 4pm again after which the electric supply from all the 126 electric feeders of HESCO was halted mostly for safety reasons.
Kubar said the company’s officers and field staff were monitoring the situation and that the restoration would start once the weather condition normalised.